Core Module - Mail
To it's core, firstly
provides you the ability to send emails. For this, we didn't reinvent the
wheel and use the great nodemailer package.
Anywhere in your code you can then:
import { sendMail } from 'firstly/mail'
await sendMail('my_first_mail', {
to: '...@...',
subject: 'Hello from firstly',
html: 'hello <b>hello</b> 👋'
By default, firstly will create a demo account on , this will NEVER send a real email, but you can see the email sent in the ethereal dashboard. You also get a link to the email preview in the console.
Use the template
Instead of passing the html
param, you can pass templateProps
, and it will use a nice default
await sendMail('my_second_mail', {
to: '...@...',
subject: 'Hello from firstly (a second time)',
templateProps: {
title: 'firstly 👋',
previewText: 'This is the mail you were waiting for',
sections: [
text: 'Then, How are you today ?',
highlighted: true
text: 'Did you star the repo ?',
cta: {
text: 'Check it out',
link: ''
How to really send email ?
Manually configure your service
export const api = firstly({
mail: {
transport: {
host: '...',
port: 587,
secure: false, // Use `true` for port 465, `false` for all other ports
auth: {
user: '...',
pass: '...'
Service sendgrid example
or you can use another transport like nodemailer-sendgrid :
import nodemailerSendgrid from 'nodemailer-sendgrid'
import { SENDGRID_API_KEY } from '$env/static/private'
export const api = firstly({
mail: {
transport: nodemailerSendgrid({
Other params
export const api = firstly({
mail: {
// Like this you don't need to pass the `from` param in every call
from: {
name: 'My Cool App',
address: ''
template: {
// Using
component: AnySvelteComponent
// to match your own branding
brandColor: '#E10098'