Core Module - Mail


To it's core, firstly provides you the ability to send emails. For this, we didn't reinvent the wheel and use the great


Anywhere in your code you can then:

import { sendMail } from 'firstly/mail'

await sendMail('my_first_mail', {
  to: '...@...',
  subject: 'Hello from firstly',
  html: 'hello <b>hello</b> 👋'

By default, firstly will create a demo account on
, this will NEVER send a real email, but you can see the email sent in the ethereal dashboard. You also get a link to the email preview in the console.

Use the template

Instead of passing the html param, you can pass templateProps, and it will use a nice default template.

await sendMail('my_second_mail', {
  to: '...@...',
  subject: 'Hello from firstly (a second time)',

  templateProps: {
    title: 'firstly 👋',
    previewText: 'This is the mail you were waiting for',
    sections: [
        text: 'Then, How are you today ?',
        highlighted: true
        text: 'Did you star the repo ?',
        cta: {
          text: 'Check it out',
          link: ''

How to really send email ?

Manually configure your service

export const api = firstly({
  mail: {
    transport: {
      host: '...',
      port: 587,
      secure: false, // Use `true` for port 465, `false` for all other ports
      auth: {
        user: '...',
        pass: '...'

Service sendgrid example

or you can use another transport like


import nodemailerSendgrid from 'nodemailer-sendgrid'

import { SENDGRID_API_KEY } from '$env/static/private'

export const api = firstly({
  mail: {
    transport: nodemailerSendgrid({
      apiKey: SENDGRID_API_KEY

Other params

export const api = firstly({
  mail: {
    // Like this you don't need to pass the `from` param in every call
    from: {
      name: 'My Cool App',
      address: ''
    template: {
      // Using
      component: AnySvelteComponent
      // to match your own branding
      brandColor: '#E10098'