Getting Started


Again... It's early!

You should probably NOT use it!


With npm init remult@latest you can create a remult project for svelte 5!

More info here

You don't care about all warnings? Ok, let's go!

# Create a sveltekit app (skeleton & typescript)
# Pro tip: replace 'firstly-demo' by your project name!
npm create svelte@latest firstly-demo

# Go to the project // or your project name...
cd firstly-demo

# add remult & firstly
pnpm add firstly@latest -D

# Now you should probably git init & commit.

# Then run => Generate a few files
pnpm firstly

# Install all the dependencies
pnpm i

# Start the dev server
pnpm dev

We need you 🫵

It's early and we need you to help us to make it better! If you have any feedback, idea, or just want to chat, feel free to join us on discord , there is a dedicated channel for firstly under community.