Module - Cron
You wan to execute a function regularly? This module is for you! It's using cron package in the background with a few things on top (You start to be used to it in firstly 😉).
Here is how to play with it:
import { cron, cronTime } from 'firstly/cron'
export const api = firstly({
modules: [
topic: 'first_cron', // Will be used for logs
cronTime: cronTime.every_second, // You can use the cron syntax `* * * * * *` or some built in helpers.
onTick: () => {
// onTick: fnUpdateFormSomewhereElse // Usually doing this in real life !
// OPTIONAL (but you want them 😉)
start: !dev // Start in production
// runOnInit: dev, // nice in dev environement
concurrent: 1, // Default is 1, if we are at the limit, the job will be skipped.
logs: {}, // to log more or less stuff, I let you look the ts definition.